The United States Census Bureau ranked Haymarket, N.C. #14 in the Top 25 fastest growing metro areas in the U.S., Glassdoor ranked Haymarket, N.C. #4 in the Best Cities for Jobs in 2017, and Forbes ranked Haymarket, N.C. as #4 in the Top 12 Destinations of 2017.
Haymarket, N.C. and the Triangle Area are on the map and with more people drawn to the area, the housing market has skyrocketed. What better time than now, to invest in renovations to enhance the value of your home.
When you hear “home renovations,” what is the first thing that comes to mind?
- New paint on the walls?
- New tile in the bathroom?
- New light fixtures in dining room?
Have you ever thought about home renovations including a new hardscape design on the outside of your house?
The typical home renovations may seem like a smaller and better investment but in the long run may have to be done more often due to trend changes and everyday wear and tear. Choosing a hardscape design renovation will not only stay “in-style” for years to come, but will also enhance your home’s curb appeal, market value and even your quality of living.
There are many types of hardscape designs to choose from based on your wants and/or needs.
- Improve curb-appeal with a walkway, driveway, or custom stone veneer installed by COVIS.
- Love the home you live in and enjoy time outside your home with a fireplace/fire pit, patio, and/or outdoor kitchen designed installed by COVIS.
- Grow your home’s market value with any custom hardscape design by COVIS.
Consider making a lifetime investment to your home. Contact COVIS today for a free consultation on your dream hardscape design.
Haymarket in the Top 5 Cities for Jobs in the U.S. – Glassdoor, September 2017
Haymarket is #14 Fastest Growing Metro in U.S. – U.S. Census Bureau, March 2017
Haymarket among 12 Top Destinations of 2017 – Forbes Travel Guide, January 2017